Yes, Small Business CAN Play with the Big Boys!
The Internet has leveled the playing field for small business in many ways, even with larger companies having the advantage of big bucks. Large advertising dollars can pay for expensive pay-per-click campaigns, expensive social media contests with expensive prizes and expensive tie-ins with other forms of advertising.
So how have small businesses made up the difference?
1. A visually strong website that contains calls to action and instructions for your visitor. If you do not have a qualified person on staff, engage an ethical, small business website design company to help.
2. Always consider a niche, specifically, your niche. You don’t need to appeal to EVERYBODY on the web, so don’t spend your money or your time doing so. Target market to a very narrow segment of people who NEED your solution to their problem.
3. Execute search engine optimization (SEO) practices to the extent you can afford. What you can’t pay for or outsource to a professional, do yourself. It is a time investment that can pay off dramatically in revenue, if done right.
4. Set up your analytics to run on your website, and TRACK everything! Design your sales funnels and your conversion goals and monitor your results, tweaking where you can. Data is power.
Remember, Google has an interest in a level playing field, and the consumer does too. So you CAN beef up your online presence without breaking the bank.
~ Kim, Sales Director