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How does summer treat your business?

I am told by many of our clients that they track several changes to their receivables, contracts, etc. during the summer months.  That is not unexpected.  A HVAC client has had a really rough winter with it being so mild, so he is delighted with the idea of a hot sticky summer and lots of AC calls, repairs, and installations…not to mention the generators that sell like hotcakes during hurricane season.

Realtors, for whom we handle many sites, also tend to see a sharp spike in business during the summer month, for obvious reasons.   And since we live in a tourist town, the local restaurants also usually see increased business as well.

But what if your business does not have a natural uptick in the summertime?  How should you be using your most precious resources, your time and money?

Well, obviously, every business is different but there are certain things you should take the time to do, since you HAVE the time.

1.  Review your marketing strategy: What is working for the past 6 months and what has not had good ROI?  Make changes dictated by your review.

2.  Start planning a new campaign: If you know your business has a busy time starting in October then start planning for it NOW instead of waiting until September; this may allow you to allocate more budget or just make better long-term decisions.

3.  Catch up on your online marketing: Update your website to make sure the SEO is current, check the various directories that concern your industry and the local market and make sure all your listings are up to date, and start really working your Facebook or Twitter to build some buzz for the upcoming Fall season.

4.  Investigate alternative marketing pieces: Review things you may not have checked out before; if you have been strictly marketing online, check out some print alternatives, and vice-versa.  Look into mainstream advertising, often it is not as expensive as you think.

If you don’t waste the time bemoaning the slow summer and instead choose to make it effective, you may just find summertime to be your most profitable time of the year!

-Kim Finley, Partner & Sales Director of Commonwealth Creative Marketing.