A popular scam may be hitting your mailbox soon. A company by the name of is sending unauthorized invoices (usually in the amount of $70) for website backup services never rendered. The invoices are sent via U.S. Postal Service standard mail and look very much like a legitimate invoice. The company, appears to actually be a real company that does in fact offer such services, however, this unsolicited marketing tactic is a blatant scam, preying on business owners in an effort to trick them into thinking this is an invoice for something they need to pay.
If you receive one of these invoices from, simply throw it in the trash. It’s not a real bill. It’s unsolicited. Nothing will be sent to collections, and this company does not even have access to your website. If in doubt, contact your website hosting company and explain what you received to them. We received two calls from customers today who had received the scam in the mail and wanted to make sure it wasn’t something we authorized or wanted them to pay. As a professional website hosting and site management company that works primarily with small businesses, these types of scams truly sadden us. It’s our mission to let our customers and the world know that this is a scam.
An Example of the Invoice Scam here.